Espinela: Sojourn

Here, this place like any other
an unknown forest, I fear not
I take rest, unshoulder my lot
and await my future lover

My life, to join with another
to communicate beyond sound
beyond the thorned brambles aground
and hidden from sight of reproach
Now, I see my beauty approach
this place becomes our sacred ground

The Espinela is a Spanish poetic form with two stanzas and four end rhymes across 10 lines. It’s named after poet Vincente Espinel, who is credited with inventing it.

First stanza has four lines.
Second stanza has six lines.
Eight syllables per line.
Rhyme scheme is abba/accddc.

Weekly Theme:
Untried Poetry Forms

26 thoughts on “Espinela: Sojourn

      1. Exactly. Most these odd poetry forms are simply exercise. I see so many write the same thing every day. I don’t know how they continue to do it.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I’m not surprised that this one is in the untried pile. It is also in my “I should really give it a go” pile of forms. Now I’m thinking that I should wait a long time as your effort has made too much of an impression! A love poem – of a serious nature and it is so very good! I hope you will do some more of the longer forms!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. Recently I’ve been stealing minutes here and there to write. Longer forms are out of reach for now. One more reason for the cut back, I will have more freedom in content.
      I’m sure your effort will be wonderful. You have a much more passionate touch than I do. A natural flow which makes the reading more pleasant than my clunky verses.


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