Tricubes: Into one & Later Night Movers

Into One

black on white
the clouds drift
to form one

and with time
if we wait
the rain comes

may it cleanse
all the shades
of the world

Late Night Movers

or perhaps

I could see
no issue
or problem

with a dark
moving van
at midnight

The tricube is a newer form and relatively unknown.  This mathematical poem was introduced by Phillip Larrea.

Each line contains three syllables.
Each stanza contains three lines.
Each poem contains three stanzas.
That’s it.

Weekly Theme:
Untried Poetry Forms

32 thoughts on “Tricubes: Into one & Later Night Movers

    1. Thank you. This actually happened.
      I’ve wondered about it a few times since.
      I was on holiday in Germany. I don’t speak German so could talk to them. I chalk it up to Germany efficiency.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Great poem. The power of nine, or twenty seven really. I can cope with this one. Nice and simple, like me and Dauphy. I’ll give it a try mouse. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks. AABCCB is an old nursery rhyme form. Little jack Horner type stuff. It’s like an extended limerick which is why I like it. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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