Breccbairdne: The Journey is Outdated

Man makes his tunnel,
an act beyond mortal.
A cavity driven
to cheat time by portal.

Speed foremost unites
the ultimate ideals,
yet, what the depths concealed,
the price of pace reveals

Now we can warrant
value by the decree:
Destination only,
and forget the journey.

The breccbairdne is an Irish quatrain form. Here are the basic guidelines:
Quatrain (or four-line stanza) form
Five syllables in the first line; six syllables in the other three lines
Each line ends with a two-syllable word
Lines two and four rhyme.

Weekly Theme:
Irish Poetry Forms

26 thoughts on “Breccbairdne: The Journey is Outdated

    1. Thank you. One week. That’s all I give before I move on. I had so much fun playing with the Welsh that I might come back later this year 👍💚


      1. I have fun playing with everyone, no exclusions 😉
        That’s the problem. If I want to play with everyone I have to keep moving.


    1. Thank you 💚 I’m still just practicing. A lifetime as an apprentice.
      I couldn’t imagine writing these in Welsh 🤣 I honestly think it could melt your face off from excursion.

      Liked by 1 person

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